Addiction Services

According to the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration, 22 million Americans have a substance abuse or dependency disorder. Only 2.5 million of them seek treatment either inpatient or through outpatient services. Know this, substance abuse is not a character flaw, it’s a disease and a PHP rehab center can help you into recovery. People struggling with addiction must get help from Recovery Delivered to get medication for opioid addiction.


Help with addiction

Help with addiction

Grande Ronde Recovery is an out-patient addiction treatment service. In partnership with Blue Mountain Associates, we also provide services for co-occuring mental health disorders. We utilize evidence-based practice when formulating treatment, always keeping in mind that clients are truly individual, and no single approach will meet everyone’s needs. For example, persons with heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine dependence disorders who inject these drugs will require many specialized education, identification, counseling, and health care services , see Honey Lake Clinic site, for hiv infection and aids that are not likely to be needed by programs for people with alcohol dependence. If you need help with your addiction, get redirected here.


Individuals should expect a friendly and informative introduction to the facility and programs we offer. Unfortunately there is an extensive, yet necessary, intake package. The package includes demographics, fee agreement, and access to our Rights and Responsibilities package (consent to treatment, confidentiality, etc.). The assessment is a “Bio-Psycho-Social” interview. This process happens in several ways depending on scheduling and logistical convenience.


Placement criteria as determined by the assessment, reports of others (family, significant others, government services, etc. as applicable), and other input gleaned will drive the service plan. If out-patient services are applicable, the treatment plan is designed. If services are needed beyond what we can faciltate, we will assist individuals as they seek other resources. We will follow the client-centered approach to this process as much as possible. We realize that no program works unless there is individual buy-in.


In addition to replacement therapy with suboxone and buprenorphine, at you will find group and individual therapy to assist in the successful cessation of opiate abuse and dependence.


We are able to prescribe medications as they relate to treating substance abuse, as well as any co-occuring mental health problems. For many, this can be a beneficial part of early recovery, as well as use in treating long-term symptoms. This is why vaping is so efficient when we talk about stopping ciggarretes consumption, if you will like to start, visit this vape pens uk online catalog.


Gambling addiction treatment in Oregon is confidential, free, and it works. Grande Ronde Recovery is the provider of Problem Gambling services for Union and Wallowa counties. Your treatment team will consist of a Certified Gambling Addictions Counselor, a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor. A Psychiatrist or Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner will also be added to your treatment team if co-occuring mental health issues exist. Included in your program will be individual counseling and evening group therapy.

DUII Information/Rehabilitation Programs

We offer several ways to assist you in meeting requirements, this includes the preferred Online MAT appointments. We are very reasonable when it comes to both scheduling and price. As with any other service, we will do the best we can to accommodate the individual’s schedule to best assure successful outcomes. Our fee program is also unique, in that you will know up front what your program will cost. If individuals need more service, they will not see extra fees added. We believe that our prices are fair, and we are more concerned with providing excellent service. Clients appreciate that any added service is then received without feeling like they are being over-served, and then being over-charged.cialis satış